The necklace is truly Julia ~ sweet & classic.
Breana chose beads from her own collection [she has quite the array of beads!] She made a single charm that hung from clear elastic. I suggested hemp yarn or colored yarn but Breana wanted the piece to be sweet & simple, "like Julia" she said. If you don't know Julia you were just given a solid glimpse of her by the 2 necklaces that Kaitlin & Breana made for her. For the 'clasp', I double-knotted the ends and glued them into a red bead.
The girls also wanted to add a Harajuku bag that we found the afternoon before her party. I was a bit embarrassed that I didn't know what a Harajuku Lover bag was {I was told by my 12 & 11 yr olds that everyone knows what harajuku is!} - I googled 'harajuko' and came up with the website adorable! Ah, to be 13!