Tuesday, February 27, 2007

too sweet for words

My friend, Christie, was generous with her MunkiMunki fabric that her sister designed. I have a stash of great prints. I even have a box of MunkiMunki dresses & jackets that my daughters have outgrown that I cannot give away! So what happens when I get new fabric?
Yes, it first becomes a tablecloth so that I can touch it & oogle it! It wasn't big enough for our dining table but perfect for the buffet.
Because we have a Vanagon we've thought of making 2 pillow cases for camping. I might just be so uncreative as cut it into 2 pieces and use the fabric as 2 tablecloths for dining while camping.
Would look too cute, huh?!

Monday, February 12, 2007

What have I been up to?!

Now that my family blog is launched and has found its rhythmn, I need to pick this blog back up and start documenting my crafts.
I don't have pictures of the Christmas knitting I did - neck warmers, wrist warmers, bags, hats, scarves...but boy did I knit like crazy! I started in the summer. I was determined to get to the bottom of my knitting basket (well, at least one of them!) by the new year.
My girls & I also made a lot of book markers with wire & beads...again completely determined to use all my beads and ribbons and wires and baubles and charms, etc...
From here on out, I will make a point to take pictures of the creations that my girls & I create.

These were made in 1 night each and sold in a Classroom fundaiser. My first hat - I'm hooked! Wished I looked good in hats, though...my girls do, but how many hats does one need?