My side of the bed is littered with books and lists (ok, I'm ocassionally distracted by a crossword puzzle.)
I'm copying patterns from library books (that section in the library is starting to look pretty sparse, too) and going through my basket of yarn. I'm matching the project to the yarn and trying to make do with what I already own. It's time for me to get organized and creative.
This should be, as the book above says -"simple" - it's a menagerie of knitting & purling mixed in with a December deadline and picking the right project for the right person.
This is going to be fun!
It really is overwelming.....but OH SO MUCH FUN! :)
Looks like you have some wonderful ideas in the works!
I've always admire your enthusiam and your creative out look on life. I can't wait to see all your creations! Please don't give up on socks, I have faith that you'll get over the heel. love you M!
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