Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Sock 101

I have failed Sock 101...not once but twice. The first time the first 6 inches worked out fabulously. How can I go wrong with knit 2, purl 2 on circular needles? My friend got me started and sent me away with my homework assignment. Good enough - I was born to Ace Sock 101. In elementary school my teachers always told my parents that I was a bright student, a bit chatty, but definitely the potential to excel.
How can this be different?
So the next lesson was a disaster. I did what I was told but always had more stitches on my needle than I should so we...cheated...we'd put one stitch here & one stitch there then knit 2 together here and purled two together there to try to get back to the pattern...what happened?!!! I was going through the motions but wasn't quite grasping the concept. I wanted to finish the one sock but was afraid I wouldn't be able to knit the pair on my own. If only I had a wand. I'd conjure up a spell similar to what Mrs. Weasley would...if only.
So for a year this - that "sock" above - sat in a knitting bag.
Say farewell - I started over.
I had to.
Sorry dear friend - oh Professor of Sockology.
I 'enrolled' in her Sock 101 again but to learn the toe-up procedure.
She converted and hasn't turned back since. She has numerous toe-up socks under her belt - er, on her feet.

I have absolutely no progress to report...my brain won't retain the information.
Maybe I should take notes.
Maybe I need to record our sessions together.
Maybe I was not made to knit socks.
Maybe that's why there are stores like "Sockshop".

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