Thursday, March 01, 2007

checkered patterns

My sister's Mother-in-Law called her after raiding a yard sale - excuse me, let me be more specific, 'a yarn sale' yard sale - that we had to go see! Just had to! We didn't have the exact address but somehow our noses knew the way. The front of the house was decieving with chairs & books and odds & ends but we were given heads up that the goods were in the back.
The Yarn Sale was in a 2 room studio that was packed from floor-to-ceiling (in drawers, under tables, behind doors, in boxes) of stacks&stacks&stacks with skeins&skeins&skeins of yarn. I walked out with 2 bags jam-packed with skeins & skeins of yarn & needles. I coveted my treasures. No project was good enough for them.
It's taken some time but I'm finally 'over' hoarding the yarn. I'm sharing the wealth now.
However, I was finding myself 'looking' for certain pieces as I was getting dressed and realized that I didn't have any of my own knitted creations - not a single scarf.
This piece is one that I made specifically for myself. It's made from a wonderful orange (color: 543 Porphyr, dye lot: 4641 to be more specific) 100 % wool Britania, Shetland Type Yarn.
My pattern is co 25 stitches, knit 5, purl 5 for 5 rows, alternating the pattern every 5 rows - similar to this. I didn't knit it too long. Right now, I prefer much shorter scarves - almost neck warmers - where I tie it once or wrap it once and it's all there right under my neck.

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