Thursday, September 27, 2007

MacGyver at work

Embarrasingly enough, months ago (dare I saw how many?) I gathered my scraps of yarn that I had a fondness for and started knitting a scarf for myself - a simple knitted scarf - nothing fancy.
I c/o 212 stitches on dpn. I was going to make it so I could wrap it around my neck twice without unneccessary length to it. I just wanted a little 'somethin-somethin' for color on a cold day.
Once summer hit I set aside the project because I just couldn't fathom wrapping my neck while I was wearing tank tops & sundresses! Toward the end of summer soccer filled our weekends up and the time came for me to look for simple knitting projects. Easy, I have a basket full of unfinished projects. Better yet, I had 2-3 projects that didn't require a pattern (i.e no thinking involved).
When I finally bo - feeling quite grandiose for finally finishing a project - a cold front blew in. I grabbed the scarf, threw it around my neck, stood back to admire it in the mirror and that's when I saw it......a dropped stitch.
No matter how I wrapped it, the dropped stitch was front & center. Time was running out, I needed to pick up my girls from school - and I wanted to wear the scarf!
I rustled through my jewelry box trying to be the MacGyver my friend use to call me...

Voila! Problem solved. I was given this barrette for attending a jewelry party 4 years ago and hadn't used it once. It paid off for me to keep it all those years! It clipped on perfectly, holding the dropped stitch in place - and no matter how I wrapped it, there it was!

Again years ago (a reoccuring theme) I was given a pattern for a tank top that I was admiring at a local yarn store. From time to time I'll look over the pattern and consider starting it. I'd immediately get intimidated and pull out another project. This time I did it! I chose yarn from my slowly depleting basket and started...

I've jotted down a Christmas list so maybe this is for someone on that list...or never know!

Some evenings I find myself in a midst of clutter but I'll chose this project instead. I'll plop my pattern down and kick a few piles under the table and knit away. Once I got to one of the straps I took the project to a soccer game and knit/purled away. I am determined to finish this project!

Maybe 2007 will be the year I finish projects - just maybe!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Enjoying a flick or two

I watched the movie, "I Capture the Castle", while I was making pork loin with garlic & sage, baked cauliflower w/ lemon garlic sauce and creamy mash potatoes for dinner. Dan & the girls were at soccer practice which means they'll come home famished. During soccer season, monday is a guaranteed weekday day that the 4 of us share dinner together. It's the day that the family comes home and dinner is at the table. If timed just right, they come home to a warm dinner, we eat together as a family then they jump into the shower. We've tried having dinner after their showers but they can't make it - too hungry!
I enjoyed this movie - the scenery, the clothes, the eccentric characters and the humor. I probably should borrow it from the library again and watch while sitting down to fully appreciate the expressions on the actors faces while delivering their lines! And of course to re-examine the set, which I often do with movies. I watch it once to 'watch' the movie and second time to enjoy the set & scenery behind the actors - and third & fourth, etc...if it's a thoroughly enjoyable movie (like "One Fine Day" and "Spanglish".)

"The Regency House Party" was another movie I enjoyed this summer. Much like the premise of The 1900 House, Frontier House & Colonial House, this involved modern-day adults living in the Regency Era for 9 weeks.

I have a thing for reality tv - no violence, no over-the-top physical or mental harm - and, for the most part intelligent & insightful recounts of the participants experiences.

Again I was mesmerized by the decor of the manor, life in England during the Romance Period and, of course, the costumes...which reminds me of Tim Gunn and his comment about "the slobification of America"...ah, so true.
Enjoyed the experiences and the details of this movie w/ the girls.

Gotta love PBS and the library!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

"Talking with My Mouth Full"

This book accompanied me to the beach - it kept me laughing, intrigued...and salivating!
Recipies galore preceeded by memories of Bonny Wolf's childhood, stories of and heard at her dinner parties where the particular recipies were first discovered or helped make a moment memorable.

Recipies like Chocolate Pistachio Cake, Grand Aioli to Roast Pork with prunes & port.

"I was back in Minneapolis for the funeral of my friend Kate's Mother. After her death, Kate went through her mother's heavy locked jewelry box. In the top tray were the pearls and dinner rings she rarely wore. Beneath was a locked drawer where Kate assumed her mom kept her most important possessions. She unlocked the drawer, pulled out the tray, and found her mother's handwritten recipe for Huckleberry Dessert. That meant more to Kate than jewels."

Lucky book spent it's summer at the beach transported by this snazzy birthday bag - thanks to a wonderful friend, Sharon.